Screen Shot: YOS “Your Own Society”
City Based: Bronx, New York
Instagram: @Yosapparel
What inspired the brand name?
“Yos” stands for Your Own Society. I felt like a lot of kids growing up were always told they had to be one thing or they can’t do this or that just because of the societal expectations placed on them. It’s pretty hard for kids to find their way and the support is not always their. Your Own Society acts as a way to cultivate your own lifestyle, your own way that suits you
At what moment did you realize you wanted to start a brand?
Since I was a child, I knew I wanted to be an inventor. Of what? I had no idea, but I knew I wanted to put something on this earth that wasn’t there before. I was in high school, and I started to get inspired by a lot of shapes and the different ways people can see the same image. So that inspired me a lot. Also, I could never find things I wanted in malls or online so I just said “I’m just gonna do it myself”
What helps you get over creative blocks?
Talking to people, going outside, consuming media. And I clean a lot so I don’t feel to cluttered. Inspiration is all around us. I try to have a period of where a design a lot and take a decent break after. It helps make sure on schedule. Waiting around for inspiration is like waiting to be struck by lightning, it rarely happens. Just have to foster an environment of creativity
What is the biggest mistake you have made?
Very early on, I needed some things printed and I created a mock-up to send out to my suppliers. I wasn’t too sure about the actual sizing of the graphic and I asked them to use their judgement and send pictures of samples. The samples looked okay but the final project was hideous. Lost hundreds of dollars and could not release that at all. I ended up giving it away to the homeless so I give it served a purpose, but yeah rookie mistake.
What is the biggest success you have had?
The biggest success I had would probably be one of my recent pop-up shops I had in the LES. There’s nothing like seeing people who you love and people you don’t even know appreciate your art in the same way. Watching everyone getting excited over something you spent hours or weeks on to get right is an immense feeling I would never trade for anything

I’m super interested into phones, games and technology in general. So a lot of my designs sketches I save them as “____ Alpha” or “_____ Beta” “Version 1.0” things of that nature. It’s usually based on what I feel things are.
Favorite color to use?
Red. Red is my favorite color and I think it's just a very symbolic color. Symbol for power and rage, but can also be seen a vulnerable and warm.
Currently, not yet. I’m sure it would be a surreal feeling seeing my clothes carried by another retailer. I’m open to it. One day, I would love to open a retail store of my own where I could carry streetwear brands on the come-up such as myself.
I’m inspired by Fear of God and Off-White simply because of Jerry and Virgil. It’s nice seeing black designers in a space where they could be successful.
Where do you see yourself and the brand in 1 year and 5 years?
In a year, I see myself finishing up some collections and increasing my reach. I have sold outside of the US and that’s something I want to continue to do. I have fans in Europe and Australia so in 5 years I would love to have a small pop-up shop for them. It would really help with shipping costs haha.
In 5 words or less describe your brand?
What You Have Always Wanted