Screen Shot: The MSTRPLAN
City Based: San Francisco, CA
What inspired the brand name?
I have always been inspired by subversive work, propaganda, and social commentary. The MSTRMIND moniker was inspired by these types of works and their often clandestine and planned nature. It was also reflection of what I imagined as the ‘puppeteer pulling the strings’. So, what does every mastermind have? They have a masterplan. This is where The MSTRPLAN came from.
At what moment did you realize you wanted to start a brand?
I realized in high school that I wanted to start a brand. I had seen the graphic tee boom first hand and realized I had wanted more than what was being made. That’s when I decided I would work on creating my own brand.
What helps you get over creative blocks?
I like to watch movies whenever I get any creative block. Like how a design’s lines and composition create a message, it’s interesting to see how directors and creatives behind a film tell a story.
What is the biggest mistake you have made?
I think the biggest mistake I made was having the mentality of “If you build it, they will come.” In this day and age, there are millions of other brands waiting to take your spot and many more sprouting up to take theirs. You have to do more than just create something, you have to be smart with your marketing and networking. This was something I learned in the beginning years of the brand and something that I continue to work on.
What is the biggest success you have had?
I’d say the biggest success I’ve had thus far has just been being able to be around this long. Without the people supporting, I would not be able to continue this creative outlet of mine. Big shoutout to all those that have supported.
A source of inspiration people may find weird?
I think video games are under-appreciated source of inspiration. Really simplifying here, but they’re interactive movies! There have been a ton of games that I’ve played (and even just watched on Youtube) that I have been inspired by.
Favorite color to use?
This seems like a bad answer, but black is my favorite color to use. I really like a bunch of different colors and they all can support a narrative or evoke an emotion. My preferred style of work relies heavily on bold vector line and black is perfect for that when used in combination with other colors.
Are there any retail shops you would love to see you brand in?
There’s a ton of shops that do amazing things and look great, but I just never really envisioned the brand to be in a specific store. I enjoy the creative freedom that comes from running everything myself and maybe one day I can have my own physical space to sell from.
Another Brand that inspires you and why?
One brand that I love (and wish would come back very soon!) is The Others. I really enjoyed their concepts and themes and their execution was always on point. I still regret not picking up their special tee that came in the Mustard Gas Can packaging!
Where do you see yourself and the brand in 1 year and 5 years?
In 1 year I see the continued evolution of the brand - a new product structure and way to differentiate myself even more from the brands in the space. In 5 years I honestly don’t know where I will be. I can only hope that the brand is still around and still able to provide fans of my work with something they’re stoked to own.
In 5 words or less describe your brand?
Independent art project