Screen Shot: Steady Hands Apparel
City Based: North New Jersey, NJ
What inspired the brand name?
It originally was just a play on the fact that I myself am terrible at sewing cause I have pretty shakey hands, but also is now an explanation of the quality and build of the garments. They're all made with Steady Hands.
At what moment did you realize you wanted to start a brand?
I made some custom clothes just for myself and everyone really liked them, that's when I decided that I might be able to make them for more than just myself.
What helps you get over creative blocks?
I just ignore them and do other things in the mean time. If you try to force it, it'll never come out. If you preoccupy yourself by living life eventually the creativity will come to you.
What is the biggest mistake you have made?
One time due to a small error on size tracking I ended up ordering 70 size XS hoodies instead of 70 size Mediums on a batch of pre orders and didn't notice until after I received them.
What is the biggest success you have had?
My Gradient Collection in January completely sold out in under a minute.
Favorite color to use?
Pink and Grey are the official, unofficial, "Steady Hands Colors" as they're something I like to play with a lot and my first product was a combination of those two.
Are there any retail shops you would love to see you brand in?
In the long long run I'd like to move into the higher end. Not as far as designer, but things like Pleasures and the like. After this step I think getting stocked in stores like Machus would be the ideal place to go.
Where do you see yourself and the brand in 1 year and 5 years?
1 Year: I'll be running the brand full time, working on bigger collections on a much larger scale than before. Might have 1-3 other people working with me.
5 Years: Stocked in numerous retail stores, a decent sized company with 100+ people working with me. Staying ahead of trends still and making dope clothes. Possibly 1 or 2 diffusion lines.
Dope Quality Clothes, Affordable Prices.